Many have pondered great reunions:

The Who
Welcome Back Kotter
The Beatles
Guns and Roses

Today I'm here to tell you about one that I've been bugged about for years.

Any time I go to a Podcamp, or talk to someone about podcasting I was amazed when someone would go, “You know the one podcast I wish you would bring back?,” and I'd go “Best of the Worst?” and they'd go “NO! Today in Podcasting.” Some of us got married. Others had children. Others started more podcasts, while others entered into the YouTube pool. The good news is thanks to Rob, we are all back.

Today in Podcasting is a show started by Gary LeLand from Podcast Pickle (and numerous other podcasts). He got a group of friends together to kind of have a round table about Podcasting.  If you're new to the show, here is a run down of the players.

Gary LeLand– He represents the “every day guy,” and will admit he's not those most technologically advanced (but he does great!). He built podcast pickle and has some great insights into Podcasting.

Paul Colligan: Paul has been an Internet Marketing Guru since before Google. He has connections with all sorts of people, and great insights into fun tools, as well as monetization. He is both Zune extremist, and Apple fan boy at the same time.

Rob Walch: Podcasting since 2004 with Podcast 411, Rob landed a job with Wizzard Media and has great insights into Podcasting. Rob (along with Gary and Paul) still podcasts today (Check out Today in iPhone). Rob is also our resident Apple fan boy.

Dave Jackson: That would be me. I'm not cool enough to own a Mac. I run the School of Podcasting and when I'm not eating or sleeping, I'm talking podcasting. On this show I'm often “the Quiet Beatle” but enjoy these guys and bring both a marketing, monetizing, and Microsoft slant to the discussion.

Listen to Episode 61 – Topics include:

Discussion About the UpComing Blog World Expo
Rob's got great insight into Twitter and Podcast Downloads
Radio guys doing great in Podcasting
Comedy has taken over podcasting.


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