Congrats to Dr. Nina For Being “New and Noteworthy” With Win the Diet War Podcast

Win the Diet War New and NoteworthyI love going into iTunes and seeing clients I've helped in the “New and Noteworthy” in Dr. Nina's case its with two whole episodes (so much for the “you need three episodes to be new and notable theory – which I new was bunk). Dr Nina professed, “I don't know anything about these microphones and stuff” when I first skyped her. We got her the right equipment (around $120), and the right album art (around $50), and the right content (Dr. Nina has an award winning blog that she is now turning into a podcast) and a voice over for around $20.

Now she's revamped her website, and is matching the branding of her Win the Diet War website to match her podcast album artwork.

Here is what she said about my services:

“I recently launched my podcast and could never have done it without School of Podcasting and Dave's expertise.  From start to finish, Dave provided me with helpful information and hands-on assistance.  He helped me choose equipment, master the technology, turn my concept into a reality and get it on iTunes.  I had an outstanding experience with Dave and highly recommend his services to anyone who wants to create a podcast!”
I mean every word.  You've been amazing!
Check her out in iTunes
and check out her new Win the Diet War website (still slightly under construction, but looking great!).


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