I’m on the Shameless Plugcast
This podcast sounds like it was made for me. A chance to come on and just plug away. It's called "The Shameless Plugcast" hosted by Zack "The Mothman" Daggy.
The interesting thing is Zack is using Podshow.com to host his show. When I went over to grab a direct URL to the show it was almost impossible. (So thanks Podshow for making it so hard to promote one of your podcasts). Now what Podshow wants you to do is point them at their site so that they can bombared you with whatever it is they are pimping.
So here is what I had to do to get a direct link to the mp3 file.
1. I saved shamelessplugcast.asx to my computer (which is typically used to stream the podcast via window media player).
2. I opened in in notepad, and found the direct link to the mp3 file.
Now as we say on Today in Podcasting "full disclosure" I have most of my podcasts on Podshow.com and as a Producer its very easy to find the direct URL to a file. However, making podcasts available for direct download is not exactly a strength of podshow.com from a visitor standpoint .
Anyway, I spew information about podcasting and the music business.