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Podcaster’s Roundtable Round 4 Is Feedburner Going Away?
Last night myself, Daniel J Lewis, Ray Ortega, and Cliff Ravenscraft discussed Feedburner. Is it going away? Three Options to Move Forward: 1. Do nothing – Feedburner is fine. 2. Update theĀ iTunes <itunes:new–feed–url> using the PowerPress plugin to update iTunes, but keep using Feedburner (making sure the PowerPress feed is in Feedburner for non-iTunes…
10 Years of Podcasting: Keith and the Girl
Photographer Sean Tucker has made some videos (that look FANTASTIC) featuring interviews with Keith and the Girl (podcasting’s answer to Howard and Robin) who have worked hard, and now podcast for a living. Part 1 Part 2
Free Podcast Promotion Website Adds New Banner Size
I had a few users contact me and wanted me to add a larger square banner. I added a 250X 250 pixel ad space. is a podcast only banner exchange system. You upload a banner into the system, and then grab a small piece of code that you can paste into a text…
Why You Have No Listeners to Your Podcast
I was going to title this blog post, “Why your podcast sucks”, but changed it to be more kind. I occasionally see blog posts by people that state, “I’m doing a podcast but don’t have any listeners. Can you listen to my podcast and see IF there is anything I’m doing wrong?” Well here are…
Cut Out Background Noise
Maybe you bought a condensor microphone for the clairity and you now notice that this mic picks up EVERYTHING. Well here is a tool that can help you cut out the background noise. I’ve seen different varieties of this type of soultion. This is the first one I’ve seen for $99. Please note: I have…