Podshow Up 29144% – Podcasting is Alive!
I'm glad to say to all the people who got traffic ouf of the whole "Podcasting is Dead" headlines that you can now shut up.
Go away.
Earlier this month Wizard Media announced that in 2007 there were a Billion downloads (yes thats a B folks). Phenominal.
The Podcasting Network said they had almost 7 million downloads in 2007
In a recent article at compete.com which lists the top 20 sits with the highest change in vistors. SItting at #3 is Podshow.com with a change of positive 29144% (right in front of youporn.com ) Is it also a coincidence that one of the highest NEGATIVE changes is broadcaster.com ( – 97%)
Podcasting is growing. More people are listening. It's going to get easier. I don't care what we call it, lets talk about what you can DO with it.
Live your life like you're going to podcast about it.