Back in the day, I used to use Netscape and then I eventually switched to Internet Explorer (I was leading classes on it at the time). So the more and more I work with blogs and such, the more people are asking me "You're still using Internet Explorer??!?!?!" as if I was listening to a Neil Diamond cassette. I use Firefox for a few things with's S3, but other than that I (apparently) am missing the boat.
So come on folks tell me, "What are you favorite FireFox add ons?"
DownThemAll, ForcastFox, GMail Manager (I have like 5 Gmail accounts), TwitterFox, and Google Reader Notifier.
I have 2. FireFTP to do…well, what else? FTP stuff right from the Firefox browser. And I just love Picnik, a plugin that allows me to do screen captures of web pages and save them in any format I choose. No more Alt+PrntScrn then editing and adjusting in Photoshop anymore.
Dave, here are my favorite Firefox add-ons:
Adblock Plus (love the control it gives me)
Delicious Bookmarks 1.5.44 (I use it for podcast content)
Download Statusbar (hate the pop-up download box)
FireFTP (’cause you need an FTP client – this is a good one)
FoxClocks (because I have customers worldwide)
I think you would love Web Developer. It’s VERY handy for debugging sites and seeing how other sites are put together.