Baseball PhD (School of Podcasting Student) Gets Own iPhone Ap Thanks to Wizzard Media
My Buddy Ed from the Baseball PhD podcast has a video featuring the power of the iphone app (which was create for free from Wizzard Media). Check out the video.
My Buddy Ed from the Baseball PhD podcast has a video featuring the power of the iphone app (which was create for free from Wizzard Media). Check out the video.
I have said for years, the best way to start a podcast is to use a service to host your websites (like Bluehost or Host Gator) and then get a dedicated Media Host (Like or Blue host will cost you about $7 a month. You have to buy a year in advance (so…
I recently ran across a post that discussed how podcasts are taking away jobs from copywriters, and how video (Youtube) is going to be THE Platform and all others will die. Evil, evil youtube. Shame on you for killing innocent copywriters. Seriously? What’s next a “Podcasting is Dead” blast? Did TV kill radio? Did either…
I saw the power of Stitcher when it first came out. The ability to listen to podcasts without downloading them is definitely a great answer for those who wanted to cut the cord iTunes. When I heard they were being added to cars in the future, I was even more impressed. Anything that makes consuming…
Everyone says that iTunes is pulling podcasting out of iTunes. Well that’s probably good as Apple tried to make iTunes all things to all people. It became bloated. I would’ve cancelled Ping (or whatever their facebook/twitter wanna be thing was). This might be a mistake for Apple Because… Every podcaster on the planet seems ot…
Steve, Steve, and More Steve. Twitter was just amazing tonight. It’s a shame. My mother died at 58 and that was too soon. 56 is waaay too soon. His life was very interesting. He had a vision, and persued it to the end. He was himself. He did not compromise. Music is sold completely different….
It happens. You talk like you talk. You walk like you walk. Eventually you will offend someone. In my last episode of the Logical Weight Loss podcast I mentioned how the new Hydros filtered water bottles “Come in pretty colorS” (accenting the S in a Faux Gay voice). To this a person signed in and…