Free Month of Hosting at Libsyn Using Promo Code SOPFree

SOPFREE Promo CodeIf you've listened to my podcast about podcasting, you know I'm a big fan of (it stands for Liberated Syndication). I've met the team and Libsyn, and they've had great customer service over the seven years I've used them . Now I have a special offer for you if you are in need of media hosting. When you sign up at Libsyn you can get your first month free by using the promo code sopfree. It doesn't matter what package you choose, your first month is free. Here is how Libsyn works:

You get an allotted amount of space that you can upload a month. The it doesn't matter if you have 50 or 5000 downloads you pay one price. If you compare this to Amazon S3 service, you'll see that this is the better deal (as my Amazon S3 bills started cheap but I quit when they neared $50 a month).  Plans start as low as $5 a month for those who only do (for example) a one short podcast a week. If you are a person who produces a daily video podcast and needs tons of storage they have a plan for you. You can also have your own iPhone app designed FOR FREE when you order they $30/month package (you can see mine at )

Great Podcasting Stats

One of the things I love about Libsyn is they provide great overall stats so I can see if my show is growing or not.

Libsybn Podcasting Stats

They also provide detailed stats so you can see where your audience is coming from, and how they found you.

Libsyn Promo Code sopfree for Great Stats

When you sign up at enter the promo code sopfree to receive your first month free.

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