Handcuffed by WordPress.com in 5 Minutes

I recently sponsored a child (www.alexalan.com ) and thought I would make a blog at wordpress.com and put up a widget from www.chipin.com so others could chip in on helping this poor kid from bolivia.

I picked my theme, uploaded some images, and thought "great." I knew I was going to be limited in some ways, but as I was not going to podcast about this, I thought I would be fine. I did think about using some of their 3 gigs of space. This should be great.


No widgets on wordpress.com

Free is great. Free is fun. But you get what you pay for. There is a niche for this but I like the ability to do what I want and when I get host a wordpress blog for $2 bucks a month at www.coolerwebsites.com I ask, "Is the hassle worth the 6 cents a day you're saving?

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