I Love Being a Geek
I wanted to attend a webinar today, but I was teaching a class. I had forgotten about it, but when I got the webinar notification I was bummed.
Then I remembered I'm a geek.
I used logmein.com (free) to access my computer at home. I went into the audio settings and marked the “Wave out mix” (you have to enable it on Windows 7) as the default input. I logged into the webinar and then started Audacity. I could see the meters moving (the free version of logmein.com stops me from monitoring audio on my home pc). I clicked record, and a few hours later I saw that the webinar had edited. I deleted the portion of my audio where I had recorded silence, and converted it to an mp3.
I wanted to listen to the webinar on the way home. I logged into my Amazon cloud account and uploaded my newly created mp3 file. By the times its done uploading, I shold be done with work (I'm typing this on my break), and I'll listen to the webinar on the drive home.
It's good to be a geek.