Michael Hyatt Almost Killed Me

This week I spent 10 hours in the car as I drove from Ohio into Michigan to attend some training. On the way there I ran out of podcasts, and switched to my iPod to listen to a book called Platform: Getting noticed in a Busy World by Michael Hyatt. I love any book that makes me think, and this book is pure thought fertilizer. It is chock full of insights and resources o' plenty. The problem is I was listening to the audio book (not reading it on my kindle where I could highlight, etc and refer to later). So when Michael mentions a plugin that you can use to allow a guest to read a post on your wordpress site before its published, I was like, “What?!” so I would reach for my phone and struggle to launch the Evernote app. Then (making sure not to rear end anyone) press the button for an audio recording. I would say “Public Post Preview” just in time to hear “Vrrrrrrrmm” as I would lose focus and almost drive off the road. I know, I know, I should focus on my driving. My actions were stupid, but the content was that good.

“I use Nivo Slider on my WordPress site” Michael would say, and I would groan and press pause on the iPod and reach for the phone. This is a guy who is succeeding in social media. I missed his talk at Blogworld, and I am still kicking myself today.

Typically when you spend five hours in a car, you get out and groan and waddle into the house. About 20 minutes from my house the book finished (it's over FIVE hours long) and I darted into my house to start following up on all the ideas and resources I had learned while listening to the book. I plan on buying the Kindle version and going through again. List after list of tips, tips and more tips. The thought fertilizer has done it's job and it's time to harvest. I highly recommend this book.

If you are an audio book listener, you can get this book (or any book of your choice) at audibletrial.com/dave

Who are some of your favorite “Thought Fertilizers?” I also love Jim Kukral, what are yours?


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