More Radio Fans Turning to Podcasts

I was reading an article from and here is what it has to say:

The third edition of the now-annual Jacobs Media/Public Radio Program Directors Association “Public Radio Tech Survey” yields these insights:

Smartphone ownership and use continues to grow, with the top choice being the Apple iPhone. Jacobs says that was even “before the holidays and the Verizon announcement.”

Pandora “makes its first-ever appearance in this study”, says Jacobs. One fourth of the public radio listeners in the survey listen to Pandora “monthly or more.”

Six of 10 respondents say they've downloaded and listened to a podcast in the past year.

Internet radio streaming “shows impressive gains. Four in 10 PRTS3 participants listen to streaming audio at least weekly, up 17% from last year's survey.”

HD Radio ownership “continues to rise. 6% say they have an HD Radio, up 22% from last year.” But satellite radio has “plateaued at 13%.”

Looking at other media, more than 10% of survey respondents own some kind of e-reader, such as a Kindle or Nook. 6% own an iPad.

The web-based survey covered 21,000 respondents who are listeners to 43 different public radio stations across the U.S. You can read more about its findings at the Jacobs Media site here.

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