Hustlers Selling Hustle – This Video Hits the Nail on the Head – It HAS TO STOP
Are you stoked? Are you ready to stay up till 4 AM to prove you're serious? Are you ready to sacrifice your spouse and kids to show that you're a real entrepreneur? Well then you're an idiot. Check out this video.
I at one point listened to the Fizzle show, but quit cause there was too much “yuck yuck” for me. But this video makes me want to give them another chance.
You want some motivation? You want to work hard and pull yourself up by your bootstraps? You want to get up before everyone else and hustle early in the morning and late into the night? You want to earn? You want to burn the midnight oil and kill it out there?
Fine. But be SMART about it. Here's 3 reasons why unbridled hustle is hurting us all.
Listen to the #AntiHustle podcast:…
Listen to the “Daily Productivity Tip” episode:…
While we are talking hustle. This is pretty darn funny
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