Self Publishing for Virgins Reviewed

I recently completed my eBook “More Podcast Money” and went to a linked in group to ask some questions about getting it into I was aware of Create Space, and went and read many books on self-publishing. Most of them good, but many of them decided to provide me with everything I ever wanted to know about the process. This is like telling me about the torque in the rear wheels of my car, when all I need is break, gas, and steer.

I was contacted by Larry DeKay and it turns out his wife has just finished a book and I was her intended audience. The book is called Self-Publishing for Virgins: Learn how to organize, layout, design, publish and market your self-published book using print-on-demand with createspace and Word 2007 by Peggy Dekay and to me she is the Goldilocks of self-publishing. Some books leave me asking questions, some books provide so much information my eyes roll back into my head. This book is just enough information to be thorough, without overwhelming me with details. Don’t get me wrong. There are details and resources so you are not left guessing, but not so much that it sounds like you’re off to cut down a tree with a cue tip.

It’s also very clear. I’ve read a few books on using Microsoft Word to layout your book.  Again, Peggy provides step by step instructions that are just delicious. The book is organized so that when I move my book through the process, I read the content, make my “to do” list, and move forward.

I also loved the section about networking and promoting your book (kudos for mentioning podcasting!). I’m looking forward to getting my book into and using these tips to get the word out. Not to beat a dead horse, but she again lists just enough items to get me going without me developing a case of “Paralysis by Analysis” as I look at a giant list of resources.

If you are looking to “Just get a book into Amazon” she draws a clear path, and if you are looking to add book writing as a more consistent activity in the future this is the book for you as well.

Check out the book at

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