A Great Movie For Podcasters
Opening this weekend is Pirate Radio, it looks like a great flick for Podcasters. Here is the trailer.
Opening this weekend is Pirate Radio, it looks like a great flick for Podcasters. Here is the trailer.
Adam Corolla recently appeared on “Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show.” They spoke about how his podcast has remained number one (or close to it) in iTunes since he launched it three days after being let go at CBS radio. He mentions that he cant’ take sponsors until his contract runs out at CBS Radio, and currently…
I was just notified by Rob Greenlee that The School of Podcasting’s Morning Announcements Podcast (featuring tips and insights into starting your own podcast) has been featured in Microsoft’s Zune Marketplace “Best of Hobbies” section. To get deep-links and icons to your shows in the Zune Marketplace software and to Zunepodcasts.com visit here – http://social.zune.net/links/ZuneLinks.aspx?keyword=school+of+podcasting&type=podcast&x=7&y=8…
I’ve been using Thesis on Weekly Web Tools and the School of Podcastingfor about a year. It’s a great WordPress Theme that is really customizable. The one thing that I always wanted was the ability to change the color of the tabs at the top of the page. Well with it’s latest release, Thesis makes…
I attended the Podcast Movement event this weekend (PM14). Unlike other events, this was strictly about podcasting. They brought in experts from all over to talk one thing: podcasting. First Impressions: As this was the first time this event had been held, I had a good idea what to expect – but then again, you…
Jay Mohr officially launched his “Fake Mustaches Studios” on Monday (according the the Hollywood reporter). His guest on his podcast is Jay Leno. In addition to his Mohr Stories podcast, the network’s lineup includes The Crab Feast With Ryan Sickler and Jay Larson, Talking S**t With Jim Jeffreys and Eddie Ifft and a daily sports-oriented…
A Video showcasing the new tablet from blackberry shows it will be spotlighting podcasts. The Podcasts app will offer similar functionality to the handheld app, namely pulling in audio and video episodes as they’re available (though it was mentioned that you had open the app to start downloads, while the smartphone version would would download…