A Really Bad Idea to Kick Off the New Year

Wow. I mean, Wow. Did that guy just say what I think he said?

It's a new approach to podcast advertising. This is how it works. You give us your podcast feed, and we give you a new one to distribute to your audience. ”


I mean REALLY?

Their idea is they inject ads into your stuff (here we go again with the cost per thousand downloads)).

But wait there's more

They pick where the ad goes. OK, You can manually pick where it goes if you're not happy. Can you see that? You're guest pauses to answer a question and an ad is inserted.

Never, Ever, EVER give control of your feed to someone.

The only way I would consider this (and for the record I'm not at all) would be if I had control over my feed, and there was a way to put in a iTunes Redirect without having to contact the company (like Libsyn.com does) AND I could also put in a 301 permanent redirect (like Feedburner does if you delete a feed).

So thank you, but NO FRICKIN WAY.

Don't let the lure of money stir up your emotions and pull you into bad decisions. Please.

My favorite is they want the heart of your podcast (your feed) and there is not ONE word about who these people are, or what kind of money are we talking (cpm, cpa). They have 39 podcasters signed up, and 11 advertisers.

If you want ads on your show check out blubrry.com

There is a new service that I kicked the tires on (and got zero results both as a podcasters and an advertiser) and that is https://cast.market/

(they do't need your feed)

I need to repeat this.

Never, Ever, EVER give control of your feed to someone

Why Is This So Bad?

Let's go to the analogy of radio. Here is Cleveland we have 100.7 That is their frequency. Would the radio station give control of their transmitter to someone else? What if that company decided to do WHATEVER THEY WANTED. What happens if they did and that company went out of business? Would there be a way to reach your audience or would their radio station just be dead air with no way to update their station.  This video explains this concept

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