Adam Curry Slowly Exits Role at Mevio

On the July 30th Episode of the Daily Source Code Adam Curry announced that he is very busy with his “Big App show” and the Now Agenda Show.

At the 35:40 mark he announces that he is doing the “slow exit.” He will stay connected to the company as a consultant. He will have no managerial duties, or really much to do with the company other than sheparding it where he can and promoting it where he can. That does have some consequences. The main one is he will stop receiving a salary. “That money is better purposed on someone who can help and participate” he said. Ron Bloom will be assuming the duties he had and bring in some people to take care of that.

He is going to focus on the Daily Source Code, No Agenda, and the Big Ap show (reported receiving 150,000 viewers). He said he is going to have to hustle unless he gets lucky and sells his aircraft.

The other consequence is he is free. He's completely free to do whatever he wants.

He has is already working on other potential projects. He also looks to have an App show for Android.

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