Attention! This Book Will Make You Money – Review

You may know Jim Kukral as the guy behind the tipping system for bloggers. You may know of his Online Video Toolkit (now in version 2).  I know him because I just finished listening to his Audio Book called, “Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue.”

I just got done listening to the book Attention: This book will make you money. I love books that make me think. Conseuqnetly, I love this book. It didn’t’ give me step by direcitons on how to get attention; it gave me tons of examples how other people have done things to warrant a spotlight being shone on them. We always talk about how the Internet has leveled the playing field, and this book has example afte example of people who are willing to step out and be bold. In some ways this means being controversial (Porn and Pancake meetings at a local church). In other ways it's about making it easy to communicate (mailing someone a cell phone so they call you back). I love books that make me think; I love books even more that make me ACT.

Fifteen minutes after listening to the book I looked into, and signed up for a merchant account. While I realize most people who are my target audience more than likely have a PayPal account, I know that 100% everyone has a credit/debit card. (I’m using if you’re interested). The easier it is for your customer, the greater the chance for success. I'll keep you posted as I go.

It’s funny. The book was in the category of “Couldn’t put it down” (or in my case – I quit listening to podcast and focused on the almost eight hour audio book) and yet I can’t explain why. The author is fellow Clevelander Jum Kukrol provides personal insights, stories, and reports from his clients. Every time I would think, “Time to turn it off,” I would think, “OK, one more snippet.” This is another key point there are like eight million chapters (a slight exaggeration), which makes it an easy read. You constantly feel like the your moving forward as it doesn’t take long to polish off a chapter.

At its core, there are the basics of marketing (determining your uniqueness) but it also shows you that it’s not just enough to think of a fun idea – you have to do it. Example after example shows that people had the courage to try something new, were rewarded. In some cases they were rewarded with failure (but in the right mindset – failure is a gift).

I definitely have at least three ideas that I want to try because of this book. As the hardcover of the books is $167, and the Kindle version clocking in at $15, and the audio book (unabridge) at $21 this is an inexpensive consultation from Jim.

If you want to get the book for free go to

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