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Boring Bands Stare At Their Shoes – Boring Podcasters Stare At Their Technology
I remember living in Cleveland there was a band that had the most awesome musicians. They were amazing. As a musician myself, I don’t say that very often. They were jaw dropping musicians and yet… I hated going to see them live. Why? Because they stared at their shoes the entire night. They had 150+…
Australian Podcast Consumption is Up 50%
According to the Australian IT: Last year only 16 per cent of Australians had an MP3 player, and less than a quarter of those had ever downloaded a podcast. CRA research from last month shows more than one in three Australians aged 14 years and over own an MP3 player and a third of those…
Things Podcasters Should Quit Saying Part 2: “I’ve been podcasting for…”
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Jerry Seinfeld – Half the Time Nobody Got His Show
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Adam Curry Slowly Exits Role at Mevio
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Buzzfeed Launches Podcasts
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