Blackberry Makes it Easier to Find Podcasts
Research in Motion has released an updated version of its BlackBerry Podcasts app. Version 1.5 comes with a new web podcast search feature based on Google search. this lets you search for podcasts that aren’t already in the BlackBerry Podcast catalog. You can also copy and paste the URL of any podcast from another app in order to add it to your list.
The developers have also tweaked the app’s extensive catalog of podcasts. There are more than 3000 podcast feeds available, and now the first 40 in each category will be “featured” content. Apps will be featured if they’re popular with other users and the RIM staffers responsible for judging these things.
Blackberry Podcasts 1.5 also now lets you start listening to a podcast before it’s finished downloading.
BlackBerry Podcasts 1.5 is available as a free download from the BlackBerry App World. Unfortunately it’s only available in North America for now.
I've noticed that iTunes is becoming less dominating in my stats, and for those who are use to being “wireless” having to run back to the comptuer to syncronize your iPod smartphones are a completely upgraded way to get your pdocasts delivered.