
Wizzard Officially Launches Paid Subscription Service For Podcasters

If you’ve wondered about the specifics about Wizzard’s premium service, I went over to Marc Maron’s podcast to see what he’s offering through this service. You can purchase his phone apps (both iPhone and Android), and you can sign up for the premium website (if you don’t have a smart phone). Wizzard announced they launched…


Indie Podcasters “Anfield Wrap” Beating the BBC at Local Sports Podcasts

According to an article by Vergard Gart, a group of people form Liverpool are topping the iTunes charts ahead of people like the BBC. Their goal is to ” Give the best independent views and information around Liverpool FC from the world of media, The Anfield Wrap members have quickly found their way towards the…


Premium Podcast Content – Cut Out the Middle Man And Keep the Pie For Yourself

In the last year podcasting media hosts have been providing tools for podcasters to sell their back catalog, or premium content. Blubrry recently launched, (um and then unlaunched – it appears to have gone back to the drawing board), Cuetoo.com which allows you to sell your content on a monthly basis. I just found out…


1.64 Billion Podcast Downloads For Wizzard Media in 2011

In a recent article about Wizzard Media, it was report that, ” In 2011, the Wizzard Media Network received well over 1.64 billion podcast requests from approximately 50 million people worldwide through iPods, iPhones, iPads, iTunes, Blackberrys, Windows Phones, Zunes, Windows Media Center, Androids and many other devices and destinations.” Keep in mind this is just…

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Corey Deitz Has His Head Up His Ass When it Comes to Podcasting

I was at about.com and looking at their articles about podcasting. Their expert is radio veteran Corey Deitz. I have respect for radio guys who can be entertaining and creative while having their hands tied behind their backs by program directors who force them to hit time markers. Radio is not easy. However, “radio personality” does…