Feedburner Feeds Not Playing on Big Contact Player

feedplayer.pngI just found about this from Dan Johnson from the Journey Inside My Mind at http://jimmpodcast.com and I verified it. If you have submitted your Feedburner Feed to the Big Contact Player (www.feedplayer.com ) it doesn't work. Both Big Contact and Feedburner are looking into what the deal is (you can read about it in the feedburner forums ) or read other comments about this situation at digg.com 

One possible solution is to submit your "raw" rss feed fro your worpdress blog (instead of your feedburner feed).

Other soultions include using a different player such as the Wimpy Player (where you have complete control over the look and feel of your player), the Podcast Pick Player, the Pu Pu  Player (yes thats its real name), if your site is on Blubrry (new window)they have a player as well.


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