If you are looking for a free way to promote your podcast, I have brought back podcastclicks.com
What is it?
A banner exchange program for podcasters only (if the banner you use does not link to a podcast, you can't participate). This is not for podcast services (for example BSW is a music equipment manufacturer, but they do not have a podcast).
How Does It Work?
You upload your banner (120X240, 125X125, or 468X60) to your website and copy the url of the banner. Then set up a free acount at podcastclicks.com and pick what type of sites you would like to appear on. Then pick what type of banners you want to show on your website, and copy and paste some code into your site (typically a text widget in a sidebar).
Now everytime you show someone's banner on yoru site, your banner will be showon on another website.
You are getting the word out about your podcast on other wbesites where people who listen and watch podcasts go. (better known as your “target market”).
What's The Catch?
While it's free for you, it's not free for me to run the system. The catch is every category will have a single banner for the School of Podcasting that rotates throught the system. I don't think thats much to ask.
For more information check out www.podcastclicks.com
[flv:http://www.podcastclicks.com/video/signup.flv 500 400]