Hard To Compete with Free Podcast Station Pulls the Plug
I just a got note:
“Sales, development and support of PodcastStation has been discontinued and PodcastStation software is no longer available.
We appreciate the loyalty of our fans and hardcore users, but the simple fact is that the cost of maintaining the product far exceeded its ability to generate income.
For our registered users, we will be posting technical support FAQs on our Podcast Station site soon, including instructions for re-registration. ”
This was an interesting peice of technology. There were some problems when I initially made a tutorial for the School of Podcasting
1. It didn't work with my sound card, and my coputer was only 4 years old (standard Dell).
2. It tried to do everything (create rss, edit audio, etc).
I liked some of the audio editing tools, but the fact that there were programs like Pod Producer and WordPress (which makes your RSS) it's just hard to compete.