iTunes New and Noteworthy Myths BUSTED

I was reading an article and while most of the information in it is fine, do I dare say “Good,” there was some information that was absolute crap and it is EASY to prove wrong. Case in point.

If you simply launch with only one episode on your first day, and someone subscribes to your podcast, then you only get one download. BUT, if you launch with five episodes and they subscribe, then you get five downloads, which will help to raise your rankings within iTunes.

THIS IS NOT TRUE. Depending on what app, the app's configuration you may get zero downloads. In most cases you have to manually go in and download them

New & Noteworthy is your goal for the first eight weeks — being featured is only attainable once, so you need to make those first eight weeks count.

Not true. Multiple shows (especially TV show that come and go with the seasons) go in and and out of New and Noteworthy.

Another strategy to keep in mind when reaching out to other podcasts is to ask if they would be open to exchanging honest ratings and reviews.

People think they can get away with this by throwing in the word “honest.”  OK, I'm going to honestly kick you in the shin. Does tat make it OK. If you're audience is not motivate to leave you a review, instead of asking strangers why not look at yourself (or better yet, your audience ) and ask them WHY they won't review you.

The iTunes algorithm works off of downloads, ratings, and reviews.

Nobody official knows the secret sauce, but to not even include subscribers, in my opinion, almost voids this whole article.

if you can get 50 you will be well on your way to ranking in the top of iTunes

Nope. My Because of my Podcast had over 60 great reviews. It's not about rating and reviews. It's about subscribers

Big name guests will help grow your audience

While it sounds good, “Big Name Guests” rarely take the time to promote your show. It's not the size of the guest that brings value. It's the value that makes the guest “Big.”


Yes, you should try to maximize your launch and get people talking about it. Shouldn't you be doing that on episode 138 as well?

If you want to start podcasting and avoid the headaches and get strategies and worksheets to help you create content that will get people talking about your show, join the School of Podcasting


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