New Media Statistics Video
I'm not sure how I found this video. It's a great peice of material in that at tne end I went to the website mentioned. This video made me go “WOW”. Check it out.
I'm not sure how I found this video. It's a great peice of material in that at tne end I went to the website mentioned. This video made me go “WOW”. Check it out.
I have mentioned Marc Maron in the past. He is a great interviewer, and he makes me laugh while I slowly get to know more and more about him. In my book More Podcast Money, I mention how one of the ways you benefit from podcasting is speaking engagements. Marc was asked to deliver the…
People often ask me how to grow their audience. They say the best way to learn something is to find someone who did it well, and do what they did. When it comes to growing an audience, I think there is one marketing plan that sticks out above all others. No, not the “plop-plop fizz-fizz”…
For tickets go to (aff link) Use the Coupon Code sop2015
Adam Curry recently was interviewed by David Spark who is doing a podcast about making money with a podcast (which should have its own RSS feed in the future) which you can see at Here are some stats on Mevio: Only thirty percent of Mevio’s money is via CPM-based advertising. The rest is (more…
Are you stoked? Are you ready to stay up till 4 AM to prove you’re serious? Are you ready to sacrifice your spouse and kids to show that you’re a real entrepreneur? Well then you’re an idiot. Check out this video. I at one point listened to the Fizzle show, but quit cause there was…
OK, maybe the stress of the holidays is getting to you. I just found this video, and I just about wet my pants. It may not be funny to you (unless you live in Cleveland). It has some adult language, so be careful watching this at work, but it makes me laugh (I love the…