Please Run Away From Podpress
When Podpress quit updating their plugin years ago, I quit using it. Then Wordpres stepped in and updated it, and now its gone through another update done by “other” people. Once again I'm on the phone with someone who has their website quit working. They have added ALL SORTS of feed “features” the interesting thing is this it creates a podcast feed for you automatically. It sounds good, but read this:
The podcast feed contains all the posts which have at least one media file added with podPress despite the categories the post is in. It is not necessary to put all the post with podcast episodes in a category called podcast. (There is one constellation you should avaoid: If you name a sub category podcast and you are using e.g. the Permalink structure “Date and name” then the URL leads to the feed called podcast and not to the category view.)
For the record avaoid is their typo not mine.
Everyone I know creates a gategory called “podcast” and lists their pdocasts in that. Its the easy way to send THAT FEED to iTunes. Very weird. Haven't figured it all out. I've updated my permalinks, and redid the widget, but the site is still broken.
Read my lips. POWERPRESS is the plugin (and it will easily update from podpress).