Spreaker Brings in 22% More Audience Than Soundcloud

I did this test last year and I thought I would do it again. These stats are based on my Ask the Podcast Coach show that I do every Saturday morning and then release a podcast.

67% of my audience comes through my website. I use Libsyn.com to host this show (get a free month at Libsyn.com using the coupon code sopfree)

22% of my audience is from spreaker.com

10% of people come through Stitcher.com

1% of my audience found me on Soundcloud

1% ! (.011)

If we look at the 22% from Spreaker.com 7% of that were people who listened live on Saturday mornings at 10:30 AM EST.

Looking at Stitcher, the average listening time was 53 minutes (it's an hour long show). 58% of my audience made it all the way through (apparently those last 7 minutes are BRUTAL?).

Adding YouTube

If I add YouTube to the mix (the show is produced using a Google Hangout On Air) you get this:

52% of my audience comes through my website. I use Libsyn.com to host this show (get a free month at Libsyn.com using the coupon code sopfree)

22% of my audience is from YouTube.com

17% of people come through Spreaker.com

8% of my audience found me on Stitcher

1% from Soundcloud (.008)

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