Aweber Turns Off Double Opt-In

One of the reasons people stick with their current email subscriber is its a pain the butt to transfer your list.  This was especially hard if you were moving TO Aweber. Why? Becuase even though they probably double opted in to yoru original list, they were forced to do it AGAIN. The result? You lost (in my case) about 35% of my list. Ouch.

The good news is Aweber has announced that this policy is no longer. They made moving to Aweber much easier. Your list still needs to be permission-based and healthy in order to send emails with AWeber.

Does this mean that spammers will now tarnish Aweber's awesome reputation? According to their website, “For years, AWeber’s automated reputation system has been sifting, sorting and scoring every email being sent by every customer. It allows us to quickly identify and remove anyone who doesn’t follow email marketing best practices.”

Check our their their Aweber at a glance PDF

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