Quit Peeing in the Sandbox – Buy Your Way to the Top at Soundcloud

Recently Apple sent out communication to media hosts Like Libsyn and Blubrry (and others) stating that anyone keyword stuffing their author name tag would NEVER be featured in iTunes. It was a polite way of saying KNOCK IT OFF!  You see iTunes use to search your description field until people started stuffing their descriptions with…

Why Feedburner is a Bad Idea

I got a voicemail from Greg Whitaker and he asked, “Why is it bad to use Feedburner and how do I leave?’ http://www.mediafire.com/download/0dw6byf6wy5cdoq/greg_whitaker.mp3 Let’s go back in time a bit. Feedburner was a great idea when iTunes first came on the scene because we needed an iTunes compliant feed, and well, there was hand coding…