Dave Jackson on Mr Media Podcast

I mentioned in my last post that Bob Andelman from Mr Media had told me about how much he loves stitcher.com I met Bob Andelman a few weeks ago when I was interviewed about More Podcast Money, and Podcasting in general, on his show. Bob has written many books, and in general is a class act.

He was ready for our interview, had obviously prepared, but yet still had the interview in a conversational format (as apposed to just rapid fire questions and answers). I guess if you do over 700 interviews you get pretty good at it (I should have him on my show to share his insights into interviewing people). He actually has some great stuff at his Media Training Site. This is great for those who are looking to understand how to be a better interviewer, as well as a better interviewee.

Bob is also smart enough to deliver his show in the formats people want it in. Want to listen? He's got a downloadable podcast in iTunes. Want to watch the interview on Youtube? He's good to go.

While I've only spoken to him a few times, I would consider Bob a friend and wish him the best. Thanks for a great interview.

If you could've seen the mayhem of hanging the sheet behind me so you couldn't see my messy basement – OOFAH!

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