Getting Greedy Capitalists to Pimp the Association of Downloadable Media

The first session I attened at the New Media Expo was the first open meeting of the Association of Downloadable Media ( ). I was really looking forward to this meeting as this was a new company geared towards uniting together to create a system to track podcasts that everyone can agree upon.

The podcasters that want to monetize their podcast really need this and I'm glad this assocation exits.

Unfortunately this meeting was exactly what it was. A group just starting out, still organizing, and looking toward the future, but doesn't really have alot to offer now. Unfortunately I was there with the attitude of "What can this association do for me?" As this association is in its infancy – less than 100 members at the meeting -, they don't have much to offer right now (but in the future there were remarks of access to stats and such). It seemed the biggest benefit was the ability to help vote in the board of directors. That won't pay my tuition bill.

The panel kept pleading with the audience to mention this and get people to sign up (a podcaster can sign up for $150). To this I thought…

Your target market is people who want to monetize podcasting. So they like money. I like money.

You want us to help you with your membership drive.

You want us to do it for free.

I spoke with Mark from Podtrac ( and said, "You are looking for entrepreneurs, people looking to make a buck on podcasting, who may have your target market on the other side of our microphones, and you want us to promote your for free.

Can you say affiliate marketing boys and girls?

Why not pay podcasters $15 of that $150 fee? I'll be more than happy to talk about it. You can set up an affiliate link very easy and with no monthly fee with software like IDevaffiliate 

Mark seemed to like this idea. As the association doesn't have alot to offer right now, I would recommend adding something for us short sited captialistic bastards who are in search of the all mighty dollar.

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