You Might Need to Produce More Value

Seth Godin is one of my favorite authors (see Seth's Books At Amazon). He just sent out the tweet of the year.

ValueIs your niche too small?

There's no such thing as a niche that's too small if the people care enough.

If you think you need a bigger market, you're actually saying that the market you already have doesn't need you/depend on you/talk about you enough.

You might not need a bigger niche. You might only need to produce more value for those you already serve.

So for all the people spending hours configuring twitter to send hundreds of tweets per hour…

For you who are spending your time hunting down strangers to write reviews of your show in iTunes…

For those who are doing a daily podcast when you only have enough content for a weekly show…


You might only need to produce more value for those you already serve.



Special thanks to Ray Oretga for including me on a re-tweet.

Dave Jackson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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