Best Deal on Web Hosting For 8 Years

I normally don't just “pimp” items on here to pimp them, but I just got notice that Host Gator (my hosting provider of choice) is having the launching their best deals in 8 years on hosting. Here are the details that Host Gator just informed me about:

“Without further ado, here is our Black Friday 2010 Special Offer:

We're offering 50% OFF EVERYTHING From 12:00AM CST to 5AM CST

We're offering 80% OFF EVERYTHING From 5AM to 9AM CST WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (first come, first receive; so definitely don't miss out!)

From 9AM to 11:59PM CST OR after 80% OFF accounts have sold out, we will continue to offer 50% OFF EVERYTHING

This applies to ALL Accounts and ALL Term Lengths. So you're visitors and friends will have the opportunity to receive up to 80% off of up to 3 years worth of Hosting! That would come out to $35.64 for 3 FULL YEARS!

That includes Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting AND even Dedicated Servers! Never before have we allowed the promotion on EVERYTHING including reseller, vps and dedicated servers.

This will apply to the your first invoice (first term length they sign up for whether that be 1 month or for 3 years).

This promotion gives our customers our award winning hosting for as little as:

Shared Hosting: $4.95/month AS LOW AS $0.99/month

Reseller Hosting: $24.95/month AS LOW AS $4.99/month

VPS Hosting: $19.95/month AS LOW AS $3.99 First Month

Dedicated Servers: $174/month AS LOW AS $34.80 First Month

As you can see, this is an absolutely CRAZY DEAL and you have an opportunity to make a LOT OF MONEY promoting our Black Friday 2010 Offer!”

If you've been thinking about starting a website, now is the time to order your hosting (even if you're not ready yet). This is a great deal.

For more information go to

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