More Podcast Money Released
I've released my book More Podcast Money as an ebook. Here is a quick video I create for YouTube to help explain affiliate marketing, and show you that you don't have to wait for a sponsor.
I've released my book More Podcast Money as an ebook. Here is a quick video I create for YouTube to help explain affiliate marketing, and show you that you don't have to wait for a sponsor.
We’ve heard that the Zune (2nd Generation) will have support for Podcasting. AWESOME. We also know that the Zune Marketplace is where you will be able to list your podcast. Great. The what? Where? We are all waiting for the mystical place to show up. If you want to keep up with all zune announcments…
Unless all you have is time, this video shows how $20 can save you 24 hours.
OK, this was originally going to be a scathing attack on another “Podcast Consultant” that has been spamming twitter. He had a stint on AM radio, and now has deemed himself a podcast consultant. Instead I am going to give you some tips to look for when picking a podcast consultant (inspired by this broadcasting…
I was on an episode of the Podcasters Roundtable with Ray, and Bandrew (aka Podcastage) and I felt this was one of the most important roundtables we’ve had. Bandrew hit the nail on the head “It came down to me starting to compare myself to others.” His audience actually noticed he was getting a little crispy before he did. You…
The other night we were having one of our weekly roundtables with the members of the School of Podcasting and someone asked about having "one of those little icon thingies" for your website. Well its amazing how much information you can ifnd when a few curious people hit google at the same time. We found…
If you’re looking to start podcasting to a live audience my first question is WHY? Yes you get immediate feedback, but in most cases it adds complexity that isn’t worth the ego boost of having that one live listener. You also need to have a set schedule so people know when to come listen to…