Get More Traffic and Sales Without Being Salesy

There are certain phrases like “Used Car Salesmen” and “Internet Marketer” that have negative side effects when you hear them. When you go to certain websites that really seem to push you to buy something. It just feels wrong.

Ray Edwards Copywriting AcademyThen there is Ray Edwards. I have loved Ray since the first time I heard his podcast. I bought his book Writing Riches, and I took his course on how to write a book quickly (great stuff), and when it was in beta I joined his copywrighting academy. Ray takes you under the hood of how to get your audience to engage in your content (this could be buying a product, joining a list, etc). The thing I love about it is you don't have to adopt the “SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!” heavy sales effect. You simply identify your audience, their issues, then explain how you can help them. You enhance the feelings they already have and it moves them to action. Instead of applying outside pressure to buy, you stoke the fire of emotions within. It's a very cool approach.

He makes me think, he makes me laugh, and he oozes integrity.Like I said, I love Ray Edwards.

Well right now Ray has lost his mind and is giving away tons of free stuff as he gets ready to launch his copywriting course to the world.

So here is the fun part. I dare you to go over and watch his video (you will need to give him your email, but he's not a spammer). If Ray is as good as I say he is, you're going see it, and feel Ray stoking your passions inside you. You might end up buying his course when it's launched, and that might lead to you writing better copy on your site (which might lead to more success for you). If he stinks, his videos and sales free gifts and handouts will bore you, and you will know not to buy his course. I'm just here to tell you, Ray is good. He's very good (he's help write copy that is responsibly for milllions upon millions of sales).

CLICK HERE to  check out Rays Free Training before it disappears.

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